Thursday, July 3, 2008

In Beginning

So I made this stupid list, right? I was bored, and I was feeling adventurous, so I sat down with a sheet of paper, and wrote "___ Things I Want to Do This Summer." I wasn't sure how many I could come up with. I started listing random, bizarre stuff that I didn't know if I could fulfill, that I didn't know if I wanted to fulfill, but it sounded more interesting than doing nothing. I ended up with 70. Now I'm two weeks into the summer and I've accomplished...let's see...oh yes, 0. Out of 70. I figure I'm going to have to average about one a day. But unfortunately lots of them are long term stuff. You try reading 5 of Shakespeare's plays in a day and then tell me how you feel.
I'm going to try to blog whenever I finish an item. It should be an adventure. Though I don't know how interesting some topics will be. You try writing several paragraphs about doing tie-dye.
One item, though, I think is extra ambitious, and of particular note. I'm planning to read all the Newberry Medal-Winning Books. Ever. So far I've read 21 of them, but 20 of those were before I got the idea. I'll try to write a review of each one. That would be a separate section.
I'm also planning to have a section about Culture and a section about Life in General.
Sorry that my first post was so boring. I wasn't sure what to write in it. And I promise not to use proper grammar all the time. :)
I've never really blogged before, so bear with me.

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